[V8] 200 TQ For Sale

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Jul 29 12:20:10 EDT 2004

They think it's 1994 or something?  I just bought another V8 for $1700.
Runs great.  Leaks a little in the rear engine seal.  PS pump makes LOUD
noises.  Has almost brand new Yokos.  Records back to PO's acquisition five
years ago.  Needs a timing belt soon.  

I'll bet that 200 has issues too.  

At 08:35 AM 7/29/2004 -0600, Ed Kellock wrote:
>Yeah, they started at 12k, now its down to 10k.  Actually I think it
>was 12,995, now 10,995, so they're definitely smoking something,
>although the buzz may be starting to wear off, but it's in my neck of
>the woods if anyone would like someone to check it out.
>Colorado Springs
>On Thu, 29 Jul 2004 05:18:38 -0700 (PDT), S_Matus <scott_matus at yahoo.com> 
>> There is a Dark Blue 200 TQM at Phil Long Audi Imports in Colorado 
>Springs, Colorado,
>> q/ 70K, it looks great.  You will have to deal.

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