Green Gold leak?
Bernie Benz
b.benz at
Sat Jul 31 20:36:09 EDT 2004
> From: Kneale Brownson <knotnook at>
> Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 19:42:22 -0400
> To: PeterBergin at, 200q20v at
> Subject: Re: Green Gold leak?
> The pump splits in half. The rear half does the power steering pressure,
> the front half the power brakes.
Not quite true Kneale, and we do want to relay accurate info, yes?
The split is between the front section containing both the PB and PS
cylinders, and the rear section containing the PS presure relief valve.
> Anyway, there are half a dozen little O-rings sealing the passageways for
> oil between the two halves. Those leaks only get worse. Eventually, it'll
> get bad enough to empty the reservoir in a trip around the block.
IMO&E, the more likely leak would a cylinder head O-ring. Clean the pump of
all oil with solvent and find the actual leak source, you may need a mirror
for the underside heads. If it is a cyl head, the O-rings are available
individually for about $0.25 each.
> Reseal kits are in the $25-30 range. They include everything you need to
> revive the sealing except new O-rings for the banjo bolts.
These need not be replaced. Only FWB!
> Your Bentley has a terrific write-up on the resealing procedure.
> At 07:23 PM 7/31/2004 -0400, PeterBergin at wrote:
>> Got the green gold leak coming from the underside of my pump. It is not any
>> of the three lines with banjo bolts on top, and it does not appear to be the
>> shaft seal. What else can leak under their? It leaks enough to require
>> refilling the reservoir every 500 mile, runs down the front of the motor and
>> back
>> along the oil pan.
>> Thanks
>> Pete
>> 91 Avant
>> PS also, is their any way to reset or re-calibrate the miles to empty on the
>> trip computer. Mine seams to read randomly high numbers.
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