Changing hydraulic oil?

Ed Kellock ekellock at
Fri Jun 18 13:29:35 EDT 2004

The difference between "old" and "new" is that the new is synthetic and the old is not.  The synth gives a larger range of operating temps.

Audi, in their infinite wisdom, chose to assign the same p/n to both.  Supposedly, the new/synth is correct for cars from '89 up.  It has been said that new/synth is backwards compatible, but the old/nonsynth is not forward compatible.  But some, me included, have used the old/nonsynth where new/synth is spec'd without issue.

Not sure of the brand consideration, although I think I recall hearing that the mineral oil p/s fluid for Hondas and Rolls/Jags (?) are not acceptable.  Some have bought 5 gallon containers of Mobil DTE something or other and reported reliable service.

Colorado Springs

From: PeterBergin at
Date: 2004/06/18 Fri AM 11:08:19 MDT
To: Gordy_Schesel at
CC: 200q20v at
Subject: Re: Changing hydraulic oil?

Supposedly the blue bottle Febi-bilstein #08972 is the older wrong stuff and 
the green can Pentosin G002000 red is the correct stuff.  However both have 
the same Audi number on the container.  Someone else just told me that they are 
both the same, but just different brands.  The label describes them both as 
Mineral based which is correct.  My leak is down in the rack, which was new 4 
years and 100k ago.

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