warm start - no idle issue take 2

feelstranger feelstranger at hotmail.com
Fri May 14 10:10:09 EDT 2004

Ok, I thought I might have it figured out but, no.
I have searched the archives and found several references to this problem but no solutions posted.  
So,  any help here would be appreciated.  A description of the issue...
This has only started as the weather has warmed up and is an issue that the PO told me he had in hot weather and here it is. 
After a short drive and the car is warm, if I stop at a store or something, when I start it up it starts *as normal* but then stalls immediately if I don't get on the gas.  Even then If I let off the gas while maneuvering in the parking lot it will stall.  Once I get on the road for a few seconds (?)  it won't stall at say the next light or stop.  It will be fine until the next shut off/start cycle.  And this is only during warm weather - like 70F +
What is going on here?

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: TooManyAudis at aol.com 
  To: feelstranger at hotmail.com 
  Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 9:00 AM
  Subject: Re: Fuel Injector Rehab update.


  Mine was a problem with excessive cranking if I restarted the car 20 minutes to 4 hours after running it.  

  Once started, it ran fine.  Seems to be pretty much taken care of now.

  Doesn't sound like what you have been experiencing.

  -- Tom

    Hey Tom,
    I was just looking into a problem that sounds similar to yours and wanted to 
    ask befoer I pull the check valve.
    Was your problem only warm start related - in warm weather (70 +)?
    Would it start right up as normal but then stall if you did not get on the 
    gass to keep it running?
    After a little driving would it run fine again - till the next shut 
    off/start sequence?
    Thanks for any info - I hope this is my problem too!


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