A/C retrofit

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Fri May 28 08:43:03 EDT 2004

Well,. it looks like we have a bunch O data points and opinions!  I love the 
I called a local VW/Audi shop Wed.  I told them my story and the first thing 
the owner said was ouch!  He said it could run thousands.  After giving me 
enough time to pick myself up off the floor he told me that was worst case, 
but in his experience worst case happened to 98% of his clients and 2% went 
very well.  He turned me on to his sub contractor who uses Autofrost for 
those for whom a R134 would cost more than the value of the car.
I went over at lunch yesterday and laid out my story including previous 
quote.  Honestly, he laughed.
I waited 10 minutes while he helped another customer.  He had me cycle the 
A/c did a few cursory checks and said all I needed was a recharge and some 
parts.  $150 and I could have the car in 4 hours.  I had NO flexibility on 
timing.  Anyone with 1 car seat and a kid in daycare knows what I mean.
I say OK, mechanic #2 gives me a ride home to my other Audi and we're off.
4 hours and 5 minutes later I have working (cooling) A/C (full report on 
next 90% day!) and a bill for $175

info access charge        1@      $2.50
Auto frost                    2@     $24
oil                               3@     $3.56
O-rings                                  $2.54
EVACC-VACC_ test-chrg 1@     $54
Labor to rplc parts         1@     $58
Shop supplies                         $2.13

I slipped him $10 for taking the car immediately.  I told him that GM 
recommends replacing the dryer if over 5yrs old and that Audi had a TSB to 
replace the Expansion valve when working on the system.  He channeled Bernie 
and said, They both seem to be working fine, why would you want to spend 
money for parts you don't need? My other 200 has an appointment next week.
I don't know if I have been taken, but feel good. If it works, I think $175 
or so every 5 years to keep your A/C in line seems fair.  The shop turns out 
to be less than 1 mile from home and will be visited regularly if any of the 
work doesn't hold up.  I'll keep you posted on the other.  Should be 
intersting as it is the same car with 75K less miles and no A/C repair 

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