200 20V Tie Rod Assys Has V8s?

Dan Cordon cord4530 at uidaho.edu
Sun Nov 7 05:18:09 EST 2004

Brice Warnick wrote:

> Dan,
>        I visuually looked at the V8 assys. installed in my car and the
> 200 assys I have in my hand.
> I also placed them side by side and the V8 assys. look thicker. The only
> thing I had to measure with was a metal tape measure which didnt work. I
> need a cloth one or a mic.
>      The V8s are a light green color which also will make it look
> thicker than the black 200 assys
>      But the V8s do look thicker which might be an illusion.
>      Both the V8 and 200 take the same tie rod ends. So if the ends
> screw into both rods then the rods should be the same thickness? Or
> could there be a different inserts or something on the rods to make the
> rod ends screw in?
> Although there does not seem to be any different small or connecting
> part nos. on the ETKA to reflect that.
>       The basic question is why did Audi spend the bucks to put V8 tie
> rod assys. on the 200 20V?    

Hi Brice,

You have some good points. When I worked on my 200, I just bought tie 
rod ends. They weren't V8 specific. In fact, They were the ones I'd 
originally purchased for my 87 5k. I did have a set of straight tie rod 
assemblies (also ala 5k) and I do remember the green V8 assemblies 
looking larger. I think I still have my 5k assemblies, so if we like, I 
can put calipers on those and on my V8 ones to see if there's a size 

It's possible that because of the bends, the V8 tie rods are larger. If 
they have a larger outer diameter, but the same inner diameter (so the 
rod ends screw on) they must have greater wall thickness. This makes 
sense...that's probably what I'd do if I was forced to make a tie rod 
setup with bends in it.

But the question still remains...why did Audi spec the V8 tie rods on 
G60 conversions? Actually (since my family album isn't installed right 
now I can't check), did the UFO equipped cars have the V8 assemblies? 
Weren't the G60's parts actually from the mid 90's S4?

We should get some 80's - 90's Audi engineers on this mailing list. :o)

Dan Cordon
Mechanical Engineer - Engine Research Facility
University of Idaho

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