avant leaking fuel

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Oct 26 10:01:02 EDT 2004

You don't have to "remove" the rear drive train--just short of it if you
have a lift to work under.    I replaced my leaking fool tank this summer.
This task prompted my purchase of a hoist.  Mine leaked from that seam, but
there were many rusty spots elsewhere on the tank.  I'm saving the old tank
to be refurbished when needed for replacing the tank in one of the V8s.
There are some posts in the archives about removing the heat shielding,
cleaning up the seam area and caulking with one of those tank sealer kits.
That might have worked for a while, but the rust other than on that seam
tells me my tank would have leaked from an unreachable spot eventually.

At 09:14 AM 10/26/2004 -0400, Schaible, David wrote:
>My avant is leaking fool onto the exhaust by the driver side rear tire,
>i took a quick look and it seems to be coming from the seam or higher up
>on the tank, any stories with respect to this are appreciated (other
>than "my car burned up b/c of a bose radio or a gas leak"), I'm hoping
>maybe it is something with the lines at the pump mount site (haven't
>looked yet), removing the rear drive, exhaust, heat shields, ebrake
>stuff, etc. is a lot to drop the tank.
>David Schaible
>JRS Pharma LP
>2981 Rte 22
>Patterson, NY 12563
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