Oil Pressure warning

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Tue Sep 7 00:45:49 EDT 2004

Listers et al:

There are two pressure sensors.  One Henry mentions, the other I don't know 
enough about.
If the sensor display warns, check the BAR pressure gauge, pull over and 
check the motor for oil leaks. Block, oil cooler, lines, sensors and filter.
5 bar is thick (cold) start up oil or high rev-ing

Depends on viscosity too.

The Avant had a "rebuild" and sewing machine oil in it. 1 bar Idle / 3 bar 
3000 RPM
10/40 gives me 5 bar running and 2 bar at WARM idle.

I had the oil cooler line rupture on a 10V.................common I hear - 
disimilar metals corrorsion.
Red warning light.  pressure was 5 bar but would have lasted less than a mile 
or so.

Stop and check it.  Use the bar gauge afterwards...............
HTH - Scott by BOSTON

> > >So the question is...  Will over pressure tip off the warning?
> >
> > There are two pressure sensors--low and high. So, yes, it can react
> > to excessive pressure. But although I've often seen 5 bar briefly
> > during warm-up, I've never had the pressure warning. The ECU
> > considers the combination of RPM and pressure (and perhaps engine
> > temp) to decide on whether to issue a hi/lo warning. The "critical"
> > RPM is about 3K, I believe. I'm sure some lister knows the exact
> > parameters for oil pressure warnings.
> The "high" pressure sensor is actually to check for oil pressure *below* a
> certain level at a particular RPM - 1.8bar at 2000rpm or something like
> that. It's not an overpressure sensor.
> > >I really get the feeling this is a gremlin but maybe that is just
> > >wishful thinking.
> > >I'm running 20w 50 dino oil.
> >
> > The 20W 50 weight could be an issue I suppose--why such a high
> > viscosity range? I'd guess a defective pressure sensor (not uncommon)
> > is the more likely culprit--something I've escaped so far (knock on
> > zebrano).
> Umm...20w-50 is the recommended summer viscosity, and it was a "hot day".
> According to the little chart in Bentley. 10w-40/10w-30 should not be used
> at ambient temperatures over 60F, if the chart is to be believed. 

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