Water Wetter

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Thu Sep 9 13:42:01 EDT 2004

We're talking windshield washers, Right?

> From: "Brandon Rogers" <brogers at terrix.com>
> Organization: Terrix Financial Corporation
> Reply-To: Brandon Rogers <brogers at terrix.com>
> Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 11:18:01 -0600
> To: "Urq List" <urq at audifans.com>, "200 20V List" <200q20V at audifans.com>
> Subject: Water Wetter
> Hey guys-
> Let the debate begin.....I'm curious to hear about peoples' opinions or
> EVIDENCE on the pro's and con's of Water Wetter or other similar products.
> Let's not get into the "why would you need it" tangents.  Let's just say I
> want to lower my water temps and keep it at that.
> TIA-
> Brandon

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