Intermitent Windows and Sunroof
SuffolkD at
SuffolkD at
Sat Sep 11 11:23:09 EDT 2004
Greg: The short wire loom in the door is your problem. It broke in the last
few door openings.
Here's a photo of what to look for under separate e-mail.
The clue is the windows AND the sunroof. Its a ground wire.
HTYH - Scott by BOSTON
> From: Greg Johnson <>
> 200 Crew,
> Jumped in the '91 200-20v tqa this morning to go to work and discovered
> that the all of the windows and the sunroof would not work. Drove the
> car for half hour and they came back (long enought for me to prop open
> the rear of the sunroof) but then quit again (with the sunroof open,
> course). Any BTDT's. Wiring? Relay?
> Greg J
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