Schroth harness installation question

Phil Rose pjrose at
Tue Sep 14 13:12:59 EDT 2004

At 6:18 PM -0700 9/13/04, Patrick Anderson wrote:
>You can actually avoid having to take out the front seat. You can simply
>remove the part of the Schroth harness that would bolt in to the inner side
>of the seat (just unthread it from the buckle). Then, find yourself a spare
>center rear seat belt. Pull the belt all the way out of the reel and cut it
>off. Then you can thread this into the harness and simply buckle it in just
>like you do your normal seat belt.

Great idea! It now seems _so_ obvious (after you've described it).  ;-)

Along the same lines, one might be able to use another complete 
rear-seat (center) lap-belt assembly to modify the outer anchorage 
hardware; this, in effect, converts the harness to a "Quick Fit" 



Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at

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