thinking about a rear caliper rebuild

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Tue Sep 14 16:14:34 EDT 2004

Got and returned your phone message this morning.  Call again if you wish.
Often just cleaning up the hydraulic part of the caliper will allow the
e-brake mechanism to operate satisfactorily.


Hi Alan,
I just did mine yesterday on the 90Q-20V yesterday.  The e-brake has not
been a problem so, DFI if IAB!  (BTDT on several 5Ks in the past.)  Just
cleaned out the gunk and burnished the pistons, cleaned up the boots and
seal ring and grooves for each before reassembling.  The bleed screws were
pretty well rusted closed.
History:  Previously bled the whole system several years ago when upgrading
the fronts from G54s to G60s, but the rears hadn't been opened since new to
me about 5 years ago.  Was in there now only because I am doing shocks and
springs front and now rear, again only because I lost a front CV joint boot.
Oh, how one little thing leads to saving the horn but replacing/redoing the
rest of the car!


> From: "alan cordeiro" <alancordeiro at>
> Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 22:20:00 -0400
> To: <200q20v at>
> Subject: thinking about a rear caliper rebuild
> Any words of wisdom on doing a rear caliper re-build by yourself
> from those brave souls who have done it sucessfully. I understand
> that getting the internal circlip holding the piston to the
> internal e-brake mechanism is a bear.
> Alan
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