clutch heavy?

Ingo Rautenberg IRautenberg at
Thu Sep 16 23:40:22 EDT 2004

I think Bernie (in his own sarcastic way) means that the hydraulic part of
the system as pertains to the clutch is dependent only on the brake fluid in
the reservoir attached to the brake master cylinder, which then feeds the
brake fluid to the clutch master cylinder which then feeds the clutch slave
cylinder.  As such, the condition of the accumulator has absolutely no
effect on clutch operation.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bernie Benz" <b.benz at>
To: <hah at>
Cc: "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at>
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 10:46 PM
Subject: Re: clutch heavy?

> > From: "Henry A Harper III" <hah at>
> >
> >> Is the Bomb at all involved in this system because mine is shot.
> >
> > The hydraulic pressure accumulator is not at all involved in the system
in a
> > way to make the clutch pedal heavy when it's dead, no.
> >
> And how might it be involved in any other way, Hank?
> Bernie
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