clutch heavy?

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at
Fri Sep 17 11:39:11 EDT 2004

Possible.  I was thinking of having Centreforce do my clutch for the V8.
They would only do it it I bought a brand new Sachs kit (disc and pressure
plate) and then send it to them to rework.  Figured 4-6 weeks and a total of
almost $1000 between new parts and modified new parts and I decided I
couldn't wait that long.  Maybe if I was approaching 400 hp ;-)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Keith" <auditude at>
To: <200q20v at>; <IRautenberg at>
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2004 11:26 AM
Subject: re: clutch heavy?

> I read a post explaining, or theorizing, that increased pedal effort
> in worn clutches was the result of the thinner clutch plate changing
> the angle and therefore leverage of the pressure plate fingers, and
> not so much from a work hardening of the plate springs or sticking of
> the guide tube.
> That explanation makes sense to me.  A new, thick, clutch plate pushes
> the pressure plate out past the point at which the springs have the
> most leverage, so that the pedal action only moves it the last bit
> where the fingers are almost parallel with the flywheel instead of
> "coning" out like with a worn clutch.
> However, I shared this explanation with an Audi tech friend of mine
> and he rejected it, saying it was more because the guide tubes got
> rough as they wore (and not even really the pressure plate work
> hardening, which I think would be even more likely than the tube).  I
> was suprised he didn't embrace the leverage theory.  But he's
> surprised me before saying that a torn WG diaphragm can cause low
> boost, so who knows.
> I never tested the theory.  If I had unlimited labor I would install a
> new disc with an old pressure plate and see what the pedal effort is
> like, but of course I don't.
> Does that theory makes as much sense to you guys as it does to me?
> Cheers,
> Ken
> Ingo Rautenberg IRautenberg at wrote:
> <<
> IME a heavy clutch is (usually) indicative of a clutch nearing the end of
> it's life (more like the Pressure plate).  My clutch on the 200 was
> very heavy until the clutch job -- then it was noticeably lighter.>>
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