Airbags and Euros
Kneale Brownson
knotnook at
Mon Sep 20 22:17:05 EDT 2004
I and a number of Q-Lists folks have purchased Eurolights for various Audis
from Steffen Becker ( in Germany. He sends good product well
packaged and guarantees safe arrival. Takes a while because he uses parcel
post services. He had two or three sets being auctioned when I bought mine
from him.
At 09:23 PM 9/20/2004 -0400, Phil Rose wrote:
>At 9:03 PM -0400 9/20/04, SuffolkD at wrote:
>The mounting brackets are shown (i.e., are present) in the Audifans
>Marketplace photo (I assume it's the one you refer to). This same guy
>( advertised a similar set of euros (using the very
>same photo) on eBay a couple of weeks ago, but then withdrew the
>auction because of some unspecified "error" in the listing.
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