Type 44 Radiator Fan current draw

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Sep 21 20:25:33 EDT 2004

My 90 V8s and 91 200q20v all have OEM 80-amp fusing for the fan.  Someone
posted earlier today that these fans draw up to 60 amps on startup.  Scott
Mockry's great website has all the parts numbers for the neat little package
Audi applied to the later Type 44s, as well as suggested installation. 

At 08:05 PM 9/21/2004 -0400, Ben Swann wrote:
>What is the nominal and peak load one can expect to see on the type 44 
>radiator fans.  The one I though was locking up because it blew a fuse 
>seemed to be working as well as the others I compared it to.  It like the 
>others seems to take a sizeable initial current draw - no actual numbers 
>here.  During operation current is enought to get a no. 12 wire fairly hot 
>when the wire is used to jumper the fan in relay position 12.
>The mechanic who said he did a load test on it indicated it drew 45 AMP.  
>The 30 Amp protective fuse I had installed in the return to ground line blew 
>after 2-3 months of operation.  I installed another 30A fuse and drover the 
>car for some time with it not blowing.  I then replaced it with a 60 amp 
>fuse.  What is the actual fuse that Audi put in the later type 44s with the 
>fuse option?
>Any other helpful information on the fan operation and current draw would be 
>appreciated.  I am trying to determing if replacing this fan would be 
>prudent.   A new fan is like $400 and though I have used fans, they seem to 
>operate the same way this one does based upon my intial simple 
>Vehicle/Engine in question is '87 rebuilt 2.2l turbo installed in a '88 5000 
>quattro avant, but I assume the information spans the majority of these cars.
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>quattro at audifans.com

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