Subject: President Bush has got to level with us

Eric_R_Kissell at Eric_R_Kissell at
Thu Sep 23 07:47:36 EDT 2004

Anyone else get spammed by a qlist member with this message?

I hope this was an accident and not a sign of things to come.

MAC: I sometimes (very rarely) think about politics while I drive one of my
Audis. Usually I think about more enjoyable topics while I drive one of my
Audis. Often, I think about Audis while I drive one of my Audis.

I do not care what your political views are. I do not want to receive spam.

Specific to spam about politics, my requests are very basic:

If my views differ from yours, please do not send me spam.

If my views agree with yours, please do not send me spam.

If I have not opinion at all, please do not send me spam.

Simple, eh?


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