91 200 20v No Start :(

Ben Swann benswann at comcast.net
Thu Sep 23 11:32:04 EDT 2004

Or maybe do the "contrapositive" to what Huw suggests below.  Run 12 V directly to the starter solenoid connector.  12 V available at jumper post behind pass. side light.

I say this, because I have on more than one occasion deemed "dead starter" when I saw the 12 V at the wire when the starter circuit engaged by key.  The voltage was there, but the amperage was not enough to even kick the solenoid.  That wire - the one that runs from the fusebox to the starter tends to degrage - problem worse in saltbelt.  You may have a compound problem - wire going and starter going - I've seen this too and one may lead to the other.

But I otherwise agree with Huw - diagnose!   Be methodical - finding the culprit(s) may take as long as 3 hours, but seasoned mechanic familiar with Type44 wiring will cut to the chase in under an hour.  Then add the time to fix what is wrong - run new wire, replace starter, replace switch, etc.

You can cut the trouble shooting down a little/ narrow the problem down quicker by starting at the fusebox.  there is a jumper/relay(if automatic) on the position for the autotrans relay starter lockout.  You can apply 12 V to that and the solenoid should actuate - this goes through to the wire I refer to.  before this, check that when starter position by key that 12V appears here.  These problems are where the Bently manual pays off.

Example - I currently have a 200q that has a problem with both segments - no 12V from switch to the jumper in the fusebox and no/marginal continuity from the fusebox to the starting solenoid.  To get the car started for transporting to be worked on, I ran a #12 wire from the jumper post located behind the passenger side light down to the starter solenoid, touching the wire to the jumper post engages solenoid/starter and with key on starts the car.  


[From: Huw Powell <audi at humanspeakers.com>
Subject: Re: 91 200 20v No Start :(
To: jercurry at comcast.net
Cc: Audifans <quattro at audifans.com>, 200 20v List
<200q20v at audifans.com>
Message-ID: <41527C0D.4070506 at humanspeakers.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

> No Click sounds like the switch.  Anybody have an idea how much that should
> cost or how hard it would be to do?, didn't see how in the Bentley.

Diagnose, diagnose, diagnose.

Crawl under the engine and find the starter.  Get a meter or test light 
on the little connection from the "key" circuit.  Turn the key to start 
and see if 12V makes it there.  If yes, probably junk starter.  If no, 
wiring or ignition switch problem.  Doing this may require two people.

Also make sure battery voltage is present at the "big" connection.

Huw Powell



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