91 200 20V Avant Exhaust

bill bleiler b_ill78 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 29 08:49:06 EDT 2004

I wanted a bit more performance, but was on a budget, so i had a local shop build me a downpipe back exhaust (3"). only cost me 250 out the door, it made a good improvement in the top end pull of the car and it sounds GREAT ( at least I like it ).  It is noticably loud, but its is also a very low tone, not like those little hondas with the small exhausts and large exhaust tips. I have a video of it driving around i will try to find it and put it up for you to listen to.

Audi Quattro <libenaudi at yahoo.com> wrote: 
Anyone have any suggestions on a cat-back setup for the wagon?
I see Blau has the Stebro for under $800. how loud is this setup?

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