Suspension Upgrades

Enzeder enzeder at
Sat Apr 16 13:13:58 EDT 2005

         I read somewhere that, to be aesthetically pleasing, the gap 
between the tire and fender should be less than the tire's sidewall 
height.  I also think it helps to use a proper offset, no good putting ET45 
wheels on a V8 when they should be ET35.

Not my car, but an example is:
If you can live with the additional bearing wear and there isn't any 
rubbing, these wheels/tires seem to "fill" out the wheel wells nicely.  The 
front tire/fender gap would appear "marginal" using the rule above, but I 
still think it looks fine.


At 10:29 PM 4/15/2005, Phil Rose wrote:
>At 3:37 PM -0700 4/15/05, Emy wrote:
>>  235/45/17 fills the wheel well
>Sorry, but I've never quite understood the significance of that commonly 
>made assertion to the effect that some tire and wheel size "fills the 
>wheel well beautifully". The 235/45x17   has a tire height that is not 
>more than 0.15" larger than the 215/60x15 stock size. So overall size 
>cannot account for what is meant by "fills the wheel well beautifully". I 
>guess this exuberance must be motivated by the sight of that additional 
>alloy? Does this mean that a 20" wheel/tire could fill that space even 
>more beautifully (!!!) or is there some magic proportion to strive for? ;-)
>P.S. I like the looks of Ingo's car, too.
>Phil Rose
>Rochester, NY
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