Hanging rear caliper

Peter Schulz pcschulz at comcast.net
Sat Apr 16 21:43:36 EDT 2005


Once again other peoples' BTDT overrules your "theory"
Another case of your "reality" vs others actual BTDT..

No one said anything about the caliper piston dropping out of the seals.
Oh, sorry, you did.

I have personally had to remove worn pads and calipers from 2 cars, and had 
to re "thread" the piston back into the cylinder bore because it was jammed 
- in one case I had to take the caliper completely off the car and mount it 
into a vise to get enough leverage to rotate and drive the piston back into 
the bore.

pistons were in fine shape, no torn boots, and had been completely serviced 
within the last two years.
pads were down to less than 1/8 material remaining.


At 11:17 AM 4/16/2005, Bernie Benz wrote:
>Come on, get real, Kneale and Peter!
>Pistons can not extend far enough to drop out of the caliper seals, unless
>one forgets to install the rotor.  Using the passive pad wear detectors, I
>routinely wear my pads down to where the backing plates touch the rotor
>ridges.  Further, there is no piston "cocking force", tendency for the
>piston to cock or jam within the caliper bore.  They do get sludged up form
>lack of fluid change though.
> > From: Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net>
> >
> > So, have these gone unserviced for a year and a half?  Did you use new,
> > OEM, or some rebuilt stuff?  You might have corrosion on guide pins or the
> > caliper piston, especially if the pads are worn enough the piston is
> > extended quite a bit.
> >
> > From: Peter Schulz <pcschulz at comcast.net>
> >
> > Couple of thoughts...
> > Ebrake mechanism not fully releasing, or the pads are worn down to less 1/4
> > depth- and the caliper cylinder is extended to the point where its binding
> > on the cylinder walls.  If the Ebrake mechanism and cables are releasing
> > and functioning properly, drive the brake piston completely back into the
> > caliper.
> >
> >
> > -Peter

1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey
1991 200 20v Q Avant Indigo Mica
1991 90 20v Q Red
1990 CQ silver (awaiting S2 engine transplant)

Chelmsford Ma, USA 

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