Rebuilding calipers

Kneale Brownson kneale at
Sun Apr 17 16:55:40 EDT 2005

Trying to source, for example, the rubber seal on the e-brake activator
arm, the rubber seal at the bottom of the pushrod for the piston.  I know,
you probably have some goo you spray there that serves to seal those parts,
but if the actual seals are available, some of us with too fat a wallet
would prefer to use them.  You can try to find an appropriate O ring
somewhere, but whether you get one that's compatible with the application
and that fits exactly becomes a question.  Why tear something apart
repeatedly to experiment with different kludges when availability of a
whole kit would provide a one-time solution?

At 11:45 AM 4/17/2005 -0700, Bernie Benz wrote:
>Why would one need an overhaul kit?
>> From: Kneale Brownson <kneale at>
>> Anyone have a source for the overhaul kit described in:

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