shifter removal

Phil Rose pjrose at
Sat Apr 23 17:03:58 EDT 2005

>how do you remove the sifter boot on the 91? i dont want to break 
>any plasic,w.

Remove both of the carpeted side panels (held by one screw on each 
side) and you should then see the fasteners that retain the shifter 

>I want to do a custom short thro

Let us know what procedure you use.  My lazy man's method for this 
has been simply to shift by gripping the shaft below the shift knob. 
Much better is the procedure of cutting off a bit of the shifter 
shaft end and rethreading it for the knob. Huw Powell describes that 
one and some additional mods here:



Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at

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