Subject: Windshield Wipers / Cruise control???
Peter Schulz
pcschulz at
Wed Apr 27 20:18:08 EDT 2005
Just solved a similar issue with a "random parking" of the wipers on my 90...
Pulled out the wiper relay, cleaned the contacts, and reseated the relay.
No more wiper "parking" in the wrong position.
It's worth checking since its the easiest possible solution to implement.
At 07:21 PM 4/27/2005, SuffolkD at wrote:
>Do you have first hand experience that this is the solution?
>My BTDT (at is a moving park positon:
>BOTH wipers will respond to this.
>Your diagnosis IMHO is very unlikely that BOTH arms will slip/strip the same
>More likely is one arm moving vs. the other which usually means they will
>colide near the leading edge of the windshield glass as they (wiper blade
>arc) overlap there.
>Also, the park position of the motor when out of "adjustment" can trick the
>owner into misaligning the the arms, which can cause the wiper motor to drive
>the blades into the engine area..................BTDT (this would be
>as the motor susposedly in the "rest" / horizontal position, when the motor
>is actually [positioned for the arms (vertical) straight up and down..........
>Then when the arms are affixed the motor will rotate the arms RIGHT into the
>engine bay..................
>Unless you open the motor, tightening the splines is an invitation to strip
>them into uselessness. IMHO
>-Scott by BOSTON
> > > From: SuffolkD at
> > >
> > > Gary: "park" in the wiper motor is captuz.
> > More likely, the wiper arms have slipped on their shafts. Put the motor in
> > its OFF/Home position and reposition the arms. Tighten their retaining
> nuts
> > very tight!
> >
> >
>200q20v mailing list
1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey
1991 200 20v Q Avant Indigo Mica
1991 90 20v Q Red
1990 CQ silver (awaiting S2 engine transplant)
Chelmsford Ma, USA
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