short shifter question.

Kenneth Keith auditude at
Wed Apr 27 21:57:46 EDT 2005

Hi Tom,

If you shorten the height of the shifter, it's counterproductive to
decreasing the time it takes to shift, because you increase the
distance from the steering wheel to the shift knob.  Many race cars
have really tall shifters that put the knob closer to the steering
wheel than otherwise.  Not that I'm a big Honda guy, but I've seen
some of the new ones that have the shifter practically up in the dash,
presumably for the reason I describe.

That said, I do kinda like shifters that are physically shorter,
altho' I don't think I'll do that to my cars nowadays.  I did that to
a Saturn I had, which instead of a threaded top had a D-shaped rod
with some grooves for a couple of spring-loaded catches that I had to
reform lower on the shaft with a grinder to accomodate the stock knob.
 I only took a little bit off, one or two inches, I can't remember.  I
was quite happy with that mod and could shift that thing quickly like
nobody's business. =P

I recently did the same diy mod you describe to my Coupe quattro.  My
comments on that are that shifter effort is increased from the
different fulcrum, and since the throw is decreased, it requires a
more refined technique than the stock setup.  This is because you
still need to give the synchros time to do their job, but since the
throw is reduced you have to shift firmly and slowly.  If you just
jamb it into gear at "regular speed", it is more likely that you will
grind things.  I like the tightness of the new parts, and the shorter
throw of the shifter, but I don't so much like the additional finesse
required.  Another criticism of my diy shifter mod in the CQ is that
the H pattern seems to be a bit of an italicized H, slightly distorted
to the right.  I have gotten used to that, not that it was ever an
issue.  I thought I could correct it by adjusting it, but I haven't
bothered as it's hardly noticeable.

Incidentally, if you find the diy instructions online for the Type 89,
the parts list is not correct.  The washer part number listed doesn't
seem to be correct.  I had to drill out the i.d. of a different washer
that had the appropriate o.d. to hold the new spring in place.  The
washer I got from the dealer, using the part number on the diy site,
would not have worked.

I'm looking to get one of the Billzcat1 short shifters for my 200q20v,
now that there is another chance to get some sort of discount.  I am
going to consider getting others for my Type 85's, altho' a Coupe GT
wasn't mentioned along with the urq and 4kq.



TooManyAudis at
> I haven't taken a look at the shifter on my 200q yet, but how about cutting
> the stem down about an inch or so, then threading to accommodate the shift
> knob?
> Now, if we are talking 80's and 90's, I used a shifter ball from a  scirrocco
> on mine and spent about $20 on the whole thing.  In fact, I  believe billzcat
> uses the same part, with some holes machined out to accommodate  different
> mounting points.
> Been three years and my 80q is a still a short-shifting mamma-jamma.
> The setup for the v8q seems different than the 80q, but, again, I haven't
> had a first-hand look at the part on my 200q.
> -- Tom
> Charleston, SC

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