fuel leak

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Mon Aug 22 09:36:08 EDT 2005

Late last night--as I  backed our '91 200q out of the driveway to 
pick up family members at the airport (these things always happen at 
such times, don't they)--- I noticed the car was leaving a trail of 
drops on the pavement behind us. When I stopped to check for the 
reason, I found there was a steady stream of gasoline dripping to the 
ground from under the car. In respect to front-to-back location, the 
fuel leak appears to be mid-chassis--i.e.,  roughly under the 
passenger seat--and close to the passenger side. This was at midnight 
and I haven't had a chance to explore any further.

Is there a fuel line coupling located in that vicinity? Seems a 
strange location to see a fuel line leak. Any BDTDs???


P.S. BTW, this explains the hard-starting situation we've recently experienced.

Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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