Lifter problems

John S. Lagnese jlagnese at
Tue Aug 30 10:49:07 EDT 2005

When those jokers reset the belt I am going to have them do a compression check to make sure that there is no bent valves.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Steve Hauptmann 
  To: John S. Lagnese 
  Cc: 200q20v at 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:11 AM
  Subject: Re: Lifter problems

  No the timing belt being off 2 teeth would not adversly effect the lifters. They are oil pressure fed and are simply depressed by the lobes on the camshaft as it rotates.

  However, the timing of when the valves open with respect to the crankshaft position (and therefore piston position) HAS changed. I would be more inclined to think that what you are hearing might be the valves and pistons doing a little tap dancing. 

  Steve Hauptmann
  South Carolina

  Lagnese" <jlagnese at> wrote:
    Could lifters be damaged by the timing belt being off 2 teeth?
    This is the car, my 91 200QT with 59,000 miles, that had the timing belt
    changed. It had lousy power, hard to start when hot, and is now making
    lifter noises.
    I checked the timing marks myself. I set the TDC O on the flywheel and the
    timing mark on the outside of the timing belt wheel was off 2 teeth. I then
    went to the garage and showed them this myself. They will take it back in
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