Heat Less in the Carolinas

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sat Dec 3 18:50:57 EST 2005

Check whether both heater hoses (they go through the firewall sort-of
behind the reservoir for the hydraulics system) are hot when the radiator
is hot.  If both hoses are hot, you have heat in the heater core, but the
flaps in the heater core box that direct fresh air over the core and into
the cabin are not working correctly.  There's a little electric motor on
the driver side of the heater core box behind a white cover that operates
the flaps.  It may have failed.  $80 or so from dealers for a replacement

At 06:14 PM 12/3/2005 -0500, TooManyAudis at aol.com wrote:
>Just wondering what the usual suspects are for troubleshooting a no-heat  
>situation for a 91 200q:
>Blower works fine, air seems to be coming out of the correct vents, but a  
>chilly wind blows therein.
>Tried checking the archives, but I must have typed in the incorrect search  
>-- Tom
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