Finished installing H&R springs and Koni shocks

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Tue Dec 6 01:12:11 EST 2005


With your lowered static ride height, how to you intend to compensate for,
or eliminate the resultant excessive negative camber of your suspension?
Your alignment tech can't do it, inasmuch as the adjustment was still
negative when maxed out in the positive direction with the stock springs,
and now you have made the condition considerably worse!  Just
you burn tires.


> From: Rbade12 at
> Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 14:54:37 EST
> To: 200q20v at
> Subject: Finished installing H&R springs and Koni shocks
> Pretty straight forward job. I ran into no surprises, all the fasteners  came
> apart without too much trouble [the front caps that hold the shock in the
> knuckle did require a bit of heat]. I had downtime waiting on parts so I
> painted 
> the knuckles and all other bits I could with POR 15. I got new front  wheel
> bearings from Blau [good deal at $47 each, includes appropiate fasteners]  had
> those pressed in [the old ones seemed "dry". This car sat, unused for  2-3
> years, that took a toll on many bits I and the PO have replaced].
> After getting halfway down my driveway and realizing that in my haste to go
> for a ride I'd forgotten to replace the right front inboard brake pad, I went
> for a ride. I like the combination very much! I set the internally adjustable
> shocks 1/4 turn clockwise [ I can't see adjusting them again in the near
> future as mucho stuff has to come apart to access them]. I have Koni/Eibach on
> another car and the medium setting there is "sporting" [read-stiff, brutal
> actually, but that's the springs as much as the shocks]. I didn't want too
> much  
> stiffening, but a bit more responsiveness and this combination is good for
> me.  The springs lowered the car 1.25"in front and 1.00" in the rear. With the
> OE BBS  wheels [which I refinished last summer with Duplicolor's wheel paint]
> the  lowering really tucks the tires in the wheel wells nicely!! It's an
> excellent  look! Taller speed bumps may be an issue as the center exhaust
> connection 
> is but  3-4" off the pavement.
> So, I'm now, by my definition, a 200q20v suspension expert, but, I couldn't
> have done it without your help, thanks everyone, particularily Guy!
> Bob
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