UFO & G60
Patrick Anderson
patrick.anderson1 at comcast.net
Tue Feb 1 00:47:27 EST 2005
I don't think welding it up is an option. It is a stress fracture, and
welding a stress fracture doesn't work too well. A patch on top/bottom that
is welded on would work. My car has Koni/H&R's, tracked a few times, big
brakes. No tear but the paint has cracked to indicate stress.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sean" <coonhound at myway.com>
To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 3:10 PM
Subject: UFO & G60
> I have UFOs. Stress fracture is about 1/4 inch past the hole.
> I'll be posting pics soon, along with a question: Which method should I
> try first in an effort to stop the fracture from growing longer-
> 1. Weld it
> 2. Install a Bernie Brace
> 3. Weld with simultaneous installation of Bernie Brace.
> I'm partial to trying eith 1 or 2 first. If 3 were tried, and the
> fracture ceased growing, one would not be sure whether the weld or the
> brace was the responsible factor.
> A potential problem with the Bernie Brace is the engineering involved and
> availability of necessary parts. Anyone got an extra?
> Sean
> 91 200 20v Avant
> PS- After inspecting the front suspension geometry and data regarding my
> avant, I, too, am beginning to think there may be some validity to the
> hypothesis linking the fracture to potholes.
> --- On Mon 01/31, Chuck Pierce < cpcycle at earthlink.net > wrote:
> From: Chuck Pierce [mailto: cpcycle at earthlink.net]
> To:
> Cc: 200q20v at audifans.com
> Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 14:32:44 -0800
> Subject: Re: UFO & G60
> I Have UFO's<br>no tear, Small amount of buckle<br>Chuck<br>91 200tq
> Avant<br><br>Mike Miller wrote:<br><br>>Guess we need a survey of those
> with tears and see how many have UFOs and <br>>how many have
> G60's.<br>><br>>mike<br>><br>><br
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