Voltmeter light Alternator

alan cordeiro alancordeiro at comcast.net
Mon Feb 14 22:17:26 EST 2005

Our local FLAPS, "Murrays" had it for $25, but it was special order,
and it took a day to get in. 

The alternator had to come out.....stuff is way to tight in there,
and I could not get enough leverage on the two screws
holding the brush holder in place, rather than ruin it, I bit the
bullet and removed the whole alternator.

On the positive side, got to clean the sliprings up, and sand the
terminals a bit.

Now, getting the alternator back in was a surprising challenge,
it was hard to locate the holes so that the top bolt went through.

good luck


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brice Warnick" <Brice2004 at webtv.net>
To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 3:31 AM
Subject: Voltmeter light Alternator

> I checked the charging light in the cluster and it is working.
> I check the ground connections and they are fine.
> I also checked the blue wire from the alternator that runs up under the
> bypass valve and it looks fine as well.
> The Sears Diehard has 38 months on it.
> It appears that the alternator is probably bad.
> The alternator no. that I can barely read looks like 034 903 016H 110A.
> That no. does not jive with what I am seeing at parts places. They are
> showing 90A and 115A.  Probably the no. I want now is 034 903 017BX
> which is a 115A.
> Has anyone ever bought a brush kit to just replace the brushes? Is this
> kit dealer only?
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