Multi-function Temp Sensor...
alan cordeiro
alancordeiro at
Fri Feb 18 19:09:39 EST 2005
When the rubber boot is new, it seals well around the MTFS
and prevents moisture from going in and corroding the connector.
Unfortunately, when the boot is ten years old, it behaves more
like the "dumbo design"
----- Original Message -----
From: "George Sidman" <sidman at>
To: <200q20v at>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 12:57 PM
Subject: Re: Multi-function Temp Sensor...
> After replacing the multi mal-function temp sensor a few
> times, I decided it was more sane to find a better solution
> than replacing the dumbo design again. It appears the sole
> purpose of the rubber boot is to direct leakage into the
> connector where it can puddle around the connectors and
> corrode them. Isn't insanity defined as doing the same thing
> over again and expecting a better result?
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