Avant antennas - was: test

Charles Baer charlie at istari.com
Wed Feb 23 11:12:55 EST 2005

PeterBergin at aol.com wrote:

>I have received no list activity for a few days, this is just a test

Did I miss somebody posting the ultimate solution for antenna alternatives
to the failing Fubas ?

My current problem is no doubt related to the white trigger control in the
head plug wiring being shorted to ground.  However, when that gets tracked
down, the recent talk about antenna failure has me wondering if I might need
a replacement and it sounds iffy.

I might have an alternate choice, it seems that the gang that replaced 
my front
window didn't find and antenna coupling to plug into the connector wired to
the glass.  Has anybody fed that to a radio without using an amp ?


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