205/60 Snow Tires on Stock Rims?

Abe Berman yellowcuda at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 10:51:33 EST 2005

Thanks for the BTDT.  What is the optimal Load Index for the the 91 200 sedan?

By my calculations, curb weight on the car is 3,627lbs.  Round it to
4,000 assuming a couple of passengers.  Weight distribution is 59/41%
front to rear.(data based on Chris Miller's web site

That would mean approximately 1,200 lbs per front tire and 825 lbs per
rear tire.  Based on the chart at
<http://www.1010tires.com/tiretech.asp#markings> it looks like I would
want a minimum load index of 87.

It looks like the load index for these tires is 91 based on the chart
at <http://www.tirefactory.net/HakkQ%20specs.htm> so I should be all

I am a novice at this, so let me know if my calculations are off.

Thanks again,


> I ran a set of 205/60's a while back with no problems. Currently I am using
> 205/65. Just make sure that they have the appropriate weight carrying
> capability.
> mike

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