Update on wheel that has a leak

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 2 23:31:56 EST 2005

Thanks for the heads up.

Steve Scalmanini wrote:

>There is (or was years ago) a great wheel repair shop 
>down the McArthur from you, in Hayward or Castro Valley, 
>I think.  Try the phone book for there and let me know 
>if you find it. 
>Ukiah, CA 
>Wed Dec 29 13:32:39 EST 2004 
>I finally had time to have the tire pulled off the wheel. I cleaned up 
>the wheel and found a crack in the wheel where the previous repair had 
>been made.
>Does any one have a wheel repair shop they can recommend? West coast 
>would be preferred.
>This wheel is one of the 16" BBS V8 wheels so I would hate to have to 
>find another one.
>91 200tq Avant

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