Family Album Help/Availability?

Chrisellenhem at Chrisellenhem at
Thu Jan 20 21:59:22 EST 2005

Whoops - sorry for the uncompleted note that was send prematurely in error...

Thanks for the input folks but still no luck running the album on my 
machine.  I had previously tried to run as Win 95 configuration but I get an error 
message that it has not been 'properly authorized for use'  and refers me to a 
supporting booklet (which I do not have...) for 'Starting the Liscence Manager' 
procedure to create authorization codes.  Odd - never encountered 
previously...  Is it possible that this software is encrypted to only allow one or 2 
installs before requiring code creation?  Any help - or any offers for another copy 
- would be appreciated.  As always, thanks!!

Chris Hemberger
Amston, CT
200q-20v Avant 

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