windage tray in oil sump

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sun Jan 23 17:11:39 EST 2005

I think Taka Mizutani did something like that to his 200q20v.  His e-mail
is t44tq at   Don't know if he's still reading here.  I think
he sold that car.

At 11:03 AM 1/23/2005 -0700, DeWitt Harrison wrote:
>Having a 10V, I normally hang out on the q-list. But I do periodic
>upgrades to the ol' 5ktq during which I sometimes bump up
>against 20 valve-ness. This is one of those times.
>I'm in process of converting from the MC style steel oil
>pan to the 3B cast aluminum sump to take advantage of
>the cast-in oil baffle fins for better oil control during
>cornering and braking. I'm also adding the ur-S4/S6
>windage tray. By the way, according to a previously
>archived email on the topic, the ur-S4/S6 sump will not
>clear the Type 44 subframe as in "Ask me how I know."
>It's finally dawned on me that the details of the oil pick-up
>tube are different and also that the 3B sump setup
>already includes a bolt-in baffle plate (which I failed to
>order). Interestingly, the p/n of the S4 windage tray
>is the same as the 3B plate except for a revision "A"
>suffix. Anyway, have any of you 3Bers added the S4
>tray and was it compatible with the original baffle
>plate? It kinda looks like it should be since the plate
>appears to sit well down in the sump.
>Any windage tray btdt or any thoughts on sump oil control
>for the 3B motor in general? Anything I ought to consider?
>All input appreciated. (Apologies if I don't acknowledge
>replies immediately; I'll be away for a bit.)
>Best regards,
>DeWitt Harrison
>'88 5kcstq
>200q20v mailing list

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