windage tray in oil sump

Phil Rose pjrose at
Mon Jan 24 10:29:00 EST 2005

At 10:11 PM -0500 1/23/05, Taka Mizutani wrote:
>I didn't say it wasn't fun to drive, nor did I say you cannot track
>it. Just that there are much better platforms to use for track cars.

Gosh, you said *all that*, did you?  The problem is that all we saw 
is...well, what you *actually* did say. So you (and Bernie) might 
need to re-read your original words:

  "... IMHO, a type 44 is a lousy track car. Benign, but lousy."

That is a pretty unqualified condemnation. No modifying context 
available in that post to "soften" your intent, other than your 
admission, "... I had not really tracked the car that hard."

>I'm sorry that you feel otherwise-

Gosh--no reason to feel sorry for me-- I have loads of fun and 
continue to be challenged to get the best out of my car at the 
track--no matter what your opinion of "the platform" might be. My 
reason for questioning your opinion had less to do with you or with 
me, and more about the unjustifiably negative influence you comment 
could have on new owners who look forward to enjoying their cars at 
track events.

Now, if one intends to *race* against the likes of a Porsche Carrera, 
or a Corvette , or even a 2004 S4 (and any number of other cars that 
are either lighter, better balanced or quicker than the "type 44"), 
then the hefty, understeering '91 200q would indeed be a "lousy" 
choice. But I think the racing mentality (which is easy to fall into, 
considering the race-course surroundings) runs contrary to the 
essence (or goal) of the track-event, which is based upon becoming a 
better driver, fun and safety. This means acquiring the skills to 
safely drive your car--whatever it is--  better and more smoothly 
each time. Bringing it closer and closer to its limits, and of 
course, doing that at speeds well in excess of what would be 
reasonable to do on public roads (that's the "fun" part). With that 
perspective, there's hardly such thing as a "lousy track car". 
Exceptions might be vehicles with utterly unpredictable handling or 
characteristics that make them difficult (or unsafe) even at legal 
highway speeds-- a Ford Explorer is a "lousy track car". Ditto for 
some others we might think of....

So, you do admit that " was fun to drive..." What made it so 
unqualifiedly "lousy"? Not nearly enough bass response? Bad window 
tinting? Orange tail lights?

I'll put in my own harsh opinion about the type 44 at the track: the 
comfort seats are "lousy".



Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at

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