t44 strut tower brace pic

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Wed Jan 26 14:12:53 EST 2005


Upper suspension braces are either strut braces or tower braces, big
difference.  This is a poorly designed tower brace, insufficiently stiff to
provide anything much but cosmetic appeal with a high wallet thinning
capability.  See Cris Miller's 200 site for an old thread on strut vs. tower


> From: Ken Keith <auditude at gmail.com>
> Does anyone know what kind of strut tower brace is shown on this car?
> Is it homemade, factory, or adapted from another car?
> http://www.sportscarsunlimited.net/inventory/KDC5KTQ.htm
> The brackets have a factory look to them.  It does look like it might
> interfere with that windshield washer fluid reservoir filler.

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