cam seal

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at
Wed Jan 26 14:50:27 EST 2005

I tend to waste to much time cleaning when something is apart like that, 
but at least it looks good when I am done. I would probably  try to 
repair the leaking seal before I put back together and then clean what I 
could while it is apart. Some thing I found that really helps break down 
stuck on grease and muck Is good ole WD-40. When I had my bike shop we 
used WD-40 on the work bench for cleaning most greased up parts and then 
would finish with a water based solvent that I had in the solvent tank, 
then rinse with water .What I do on the car scrape off the really heavy 
stuff then spray the area I am working on with WD-40 and let sit ( this 
part depends on your patience and time to do the job) then use a solvent 
brush (really stiff one or a old paint brush that did not cleaned well 
enough), I found a degreaser from Castrol( Super Clean ) that works 
really good to apply on top of the WD-40. This process does a good job 
of removing the mess. I tend to use the Castrol cleaner at 2:1 for 
really aggressive cleaning. Just do not let it sit on any exposed 
aluminum to long as it will corrode it. I must admit the cleaning part 
for is almost like therapy, this is why my repairs take to long ( glad I 
have a second car).
Enough rambling enjoy the cleaning.

91 200tq Avant

Brandon Rogers wrote:

>I'm in the midst of an exhaust manifold swap and decided that while I was in there I'd see what was causing a small oil leak that leaves one or two drops of oil on the ground at shutdown and over the last year or so has really gunked up the lower part of the motor.  Anyway it looks like the cam seal is one of the culprits (in addition to a plug in the oil galley).  
>My question:  To replace the cam seal can I leave the valve cover in place?
>Also - I'd like to go ahead and clean up as much of the oil and dirt as possible while the EM is off and there is better access - any suggestions for a good method?  Or should I wait til it's all back together, then run over to a local wand car wash, spray some degreaser/engine cleaner in there and then use the sprayer?
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