cam seal

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Thu Jan 27 12:59:08 EST 2005

I've not previously responded to your thread, but why replace any rotary
shaft seal without first trying the seal restorer treatment?  I have never
replaced a rotary shaft seal in engine, tranny, or rearend in any of 4 Audis
totaling ove 700K.  The stuff works for me!


> From: "Brandon Rogers" <brogers at>
> Organization: Terrix Financial Corporation
> Reply-To: Brandon Rogers <brogers at>
> Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 10:36:49 -0700
> To: "200 20V List" <200q20V at>
> Subject: Re: cam seal
> Thanks for the replies so far- much appreciated.  What I hadn't mentioned was
> that I've already got the all the covers, cam pullet, etc off.
> I guess my dilemma is what is the bigger PITA?? - trying to get the cam seal
> out with the valve cover in place ( I don't have a puller - was going to
> [carefully -duh] drill a couple very small holes, screw in a couple machine
> screws and pull out) or go ahead and pull the valve cover off as well as that
> front cam cap - I'm assuming then the seal would pull right off no problems.
> If I pull the VC - can I re-use the rubber gasket it's probably only got 1500
> miles on it....
> as an aside, yes everything else is pretty new - WP, TB etc all have probably
> less than 6000 mi...actually so is this cam seal but apparently it doesn't
> realize it's supposed to be a _seal_...
> TIA-
> Brandon
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Brandon Rogers
> To: 200 20V List 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 9:54 AM
> Subject: cam seal
> Guys-
> I'm in the midst of an exhaust manifold swap and decided that while I was in
> there I'd see what was causing a small oil leak that leaves one or two drops
> of oil on the ground at shutdown and over the last year or so has really
> gunked up the lower part of the motor.  Anyway it looks like the cam seal is
> one of the culprits (in addition to a plug in the oil galley).
> My question:  To replace the cam seal can I leave the valve cover in place?
> Also - I'd like to go ahead and clean up as much of the oil and dirt as
> possible while the EM is off and there is better access - any suggestions for
> a good method?  Or should I wait til it's all back together, then run over to
> a local wand car wash, spray some degreaser/engine cleaner in there and then
> use the sprayer?
> thx-
> Brandon
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