Fuel Pump
Bernie Benz
b.benz at charter.net
Thu Jun 2 15:22:32 EDT 2005
I replaced mine a year or two ago with the smaller pump plus adaptor, both
purchased from Scott, @ SJM Autotechnik <www.sjmauto.com>. No other new
parts needed.
I don't recall all the details, but I used the old nylon hose, cutting off
the attaching screw connector to the old pump, and a 6" piece of rubber fuel
line and two mini hose clamps to connect between the nylon hose and the new
pump's hose barb output. Works great. Just be sure to use down the tank to
E before starting. No special tool needed to remove and replace the 1/8
turn spring ratainer. I must have reused the old electrical connection
wiring also.
Don't try using a CIS pump on the 20V AFC system.
> From: tdehoff at aol.com
> I am trying to figure out which is the proper fuel pump for replacement. I
> have visited Chris Millers web site and he has a wonderful explanation of
> replacing the original fuel pump which is 63MM in dia with a new slimmer
> version which is 43MM but requires a new fuel line and an adapter so the
> slimmer fuel pump will fit in the older and larger fuel pump¹s housing. I can
> find this pump online but no one has the fuel line or adapter even though they
> list that you need them. I have found by looking under a 1991 200 turbo
> Quattro 10V a fuel pump that looks very similar to the original one, in fact
> one web site lists it as 60MM and it seems to have all the same connections as
> the original one that I saw on Chris Miller¹s web site.
> My pump is very noisy while running and when its warm out and the car has sat
> (but its cooled off yet) its takes a lot of cranking to start it up. In the
> morning it starts like a champ on the first crank. I¹ve read that this is
> most likely related to the fuel pump. So could one of you experts give me
> some insight as to the proper fuel pump and maybe a good place to buy one
> Tom
> 91 200 143K.
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