Hydraulic fluid leak

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Thu Mar 10 14:22:00 EST 2005

Mark, the best source is to have a shop rebuild that hose with a
higher-pressure hose.  Spokane Hose in Washington State has been mentioned.
Locally (Detroit area) I've used  PIRTEK, which is franchised throughout the
US. Figure ~$100, a few hours for turnaround and lifetime guarantee...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Trank" <MTrank at albemarle.org>
To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 1:55 PM
Subject: Hydraulic fluid leak

> As a follow-up to my earlier post, the leak is coming from the high
> hose.  I replaced this slightly over a year ago, but apparently the hose
> only a 90-day warranty.  Can any listers advise as to the best and
> source for this part?  Thanks, Mark
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