UFO seasoning and pad bedding

SuffolkD@aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Fri Nov 11 13:59:40 EST 2005

Chambfering the edges is what I thought he was referring to , but how can 
angling the ends of the pads make them fit into the "gap" better?  The center 
thickness would be the same.

I documented the process here:

a picture of Chambfer is here:
While most sites show more material removed I didn't see the need to reduce 
the swept area of the pad contact for 1/4 of the pads usable life or 

-Scott by BOSTON

In a message dated 11/11/2005 1:51:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
n-engelbert at terrans.net writes:

> Subj: Re: UFO seasoning and pad bedding
> Date: 11/11/2005 1:51:00 PM Eastern Standard Time
> From:    n-engelbert at terrans.net
> To:    SuffolkD at aol.com
> CC:    200q20v at audifans.com, brett at cloud9.net, rbade12 at aol.com
> I believe Brett means chamfering the leading/trailing edge of the pad via
> a file, not taking away from the total thickness.  I think that even Hawk
> recommends this in their installation procedures.
> When I ran R4's this year, I had quite the time trying to get the rotor on
> as well with the new pads.
> Brett, how did the pads work out for the weekend?

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