UFO seasoning and pad bedding

Rbade12@aol.com Rbade12 at aol.com
Mon Nov 14 08:56:32 EST 2005

In a message dated 11/11/2005 1:43:04 PM Central Standard Time, SuffolkD  

Beveled,  can you explain this?
Are you talking about filing down the thickness on  the pad in your 
application to fit the clearance available when you screwed  the piston back in?
-Scott by BOSTON

From: Dikeman Brett 
FYI- be prepared for some extra work  getting them to fit if the pads  
aren't beveled, like my R4's came.  I spent my first rungroup at  
Tremblant beveling the pads  with a file because they were too thick.   
I even had to take  the calipers off the strut to get them to  fit.

I believe he's refering to the beveling the inner [closest to the axle]  
corners of the outer pads. I had to take a bit off those corners to allow the  
rotor to slip in. I did get Porterfield pads which measure 16.5 mm thick, a bit  
thicker than the Jurid pads pictured here,   
I don't think that difference would  have allowed the rotor to slip in.
This wasn't a problem I could solve by removing the caliper and putting it  
on the rotor before putting both on the car. It was a problem created by  
clearences within the caliper itself.
I just got back from a 2000 mile trip in the 20v. I drove to see my folks  in 
Spearfish, SD. The car was flawless. It purred along I-90 at 90 mph for  
many, many miles across the dull expanses of Minn and SD [I live in  Milwaukee]. 
It was really good in the mountains around Spearfish, Mt Rushmore,  Deadwood 
[nothing like a turbo to offset a bit of altitude]. I was gentle  on the brakes. 
I did come up on a moving sheriff while doing 90, took it down  to 75 [speed 
limit is 75] passed him with a bit of concern, but he did  nothing. Great car 
for the type of driving I did!!

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