Flasher Relay

andy trifox13 at covad.net
Sun Nov 27 06:21:14 EST 2005

Thanx for all the help w/ the flasher relay. After it was all said and done the flasher relay for my 91 200 avant is located near the auxillary relay panel and is accessed the same way but it is not on the panel. It is located closer to the steering column by it's lonesome held by a metal clip. I just snapped it out and took it to the local german auto supply store and they confirmed it was a flasher relay and sold me one for about $8. The original Hella relay has a 21 printed on it. I guess I should have just gone fishing instead of looking in the Bentley. Apparently from many emails I received there are some models/years that do locate it behind the Instrument Cluster. Now at least I know how easy that is to remove. Thanx again for all the help. 

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