Parking Brake cables, R&R

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Tue Sep 20 17:22:44 EDT 2005

Thanks for your response, Ed.

> From: Ed Kellock <ekellock at>
> It can be done w/o removing the driveshaft, but I think not w/o removing the
> exhaust.
> Using a long extension and a 10mm socket you can release tension on the pull
> rod enough to disengage the anchors from the pivot.
This will allow disengagement of the cable ends from the pivot, but then how
does one disengage the cable jacket end from its body anchor point close to
the pivot?

> Ed
> On 9/20/05, Bernie Benz <b.benz at> wrote:
>> Anyone have words of wisdom for this project? How does one disengage them
>> from their anchor points at the actuating pivot? Can this be done without
>> R&R'ing the exhaust system and drive shaft?
>> Thanks, Bernie

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