Parking Brake cables, R&R
Bernie Benz
b.benz at
Tue Sep 20 19:30:51 EDT 2005
Thanks Peter,
I've just been muddling thru by trial, curse and error. Slid the heat
shield forward about a foot and without removing the exhaust pipes I have
been able to unhook the cable ends from the pivot piece, found and pulled
the speed clips that hold the front cable housing ends into their chassis
mounting brackets and have one cable out so am almost home. This job is as
big a PITA as is R&R'ing the rack! Beer time!
> From: Peter Schulz <pcschulz at>
> Bernie
> BTDT 3x...
> Good news is that you DON'T have to drop the exhaust. What you need are
> some long-handled needle nose pliers to remove the parking cables from the
> pivot.
> I found that I had to remove the cross member and heat shield - remove the
> nuts and completely remove the cross member, remove the nuts holding the
> heat shield and pull it to the front of the car.
> The pivot is offset to one side - take note of that before removing the old
> cable. There are also two clips that hold the cable casing ends near the
> pivot - I found that I could remove them by using a "cats paw" and pulling
> downward.
> I'll look for some digipics and send them to you....
> -Peter
> 1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey
> 1991 200 20v Q Avant Indigo Mica
> 1991 90 20v Q Red
> 1990 CQ silver (awaiting S2 engine transplant)
> Chelmsford Ma, USA
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