Power loss and white smoke

George Fairbanks fairbanks at cmu.edu
Tue Apr 11 10:09:59 EDT 2006

I've checked the coolant this morning and the level is low (it was full 
Thursday) and it looks dark.  Since I didn't check it earlier, I don't 
know if my 240 mile drive Sunday evening (where the car was driving 
fine) contributed to the decline, or if it was a one-time leak.  It's 
weird that I haven't seen any smoke since that first time Sunday at noon.

I started up the car this morning and the exhaust is clean and I'm not 
seeing any bubbles in the coolant tank.  I've made an appointment for my 
mechanic to look at it tomorrow.

Looking through the archives it seems that a couple other listers have 
replaced their head gaskets.  I'm not completely without mechanical 
skills but doing a head gasket myself is not going to happen.  The car 
has been running great otherwise and I'm hoping that even if it needs a 
head gasket I can justify the price.

Thank you all for your help,


Peter Schulz wrote:
> IMHO, I would not agree with Bernie about the longetivity of the 
> headgasket, especially the non metal ones..
> Over time and multiple previous owners, who can ensure that the head 
> has not overheated?  Are you going to trust the MFTS? LOL
> Increased boost pressure with an upgraded cheap can reduce a 
> compromised headgasket's life even further...
> Audi eventually went to a metal headgasket, but I still observed that 
> as late as 1995 they still used the paper type ones on the S6 AAN motor.
> I've observed a number of failures first and second hand...ask my 
> friend Ray Tomlinson....
> -Peter
> At 11:17 PM 4/10/2006, Bernie Benz wrote:
>> Alan,
>> My post copies are not going to the list, so if you wish to repost this for
>> list FYI, OK.
>> IMO, I5 head gaskets are bullet proof and not age dependent, unless the
>> engine has been overheated enough to warp the head, which can cause
>> immediate failure unless the head has been planed.
> -Peter Schulz
> Chelmsford Ma, USA
> 1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey
> 1991 200 20v Q Avant Indigo Mica
> 1991 90 20v Q Red
> 1990 CQ silver (awaiting S2 engine transplant)
> 1991 CQ silver  (potentially replacing the 1990 for  the transplant
> 1990 CQ red ( to part or not)
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