Buzzing Fuel Pump- Time?

PeterBergin at PeterBergin at
Fri Apr 14 09:49:18 EDT 2006

I had my pump replaced by what was supposed to be a reputable shop when it  
failed about 40 miles from home (90k), thinned my wallet by almost $500.
At about 175k, it started buzzing very loud, pulled the pump and found that  
the plastic strainer was gone, on of the rubber dampening cylinders was placed 
 under the pump to keep it off of the bottom of the tank.  The pump being  
not totally secure had tilted and was vibrating against the bottom of the  tank.
Remounted the pump (original style), and has been fine for another  25k.
Called the shop (4 years after their shoddy repair) and they blew me  off.  
If someone is considering using an import shop in Roseville MN, E-mail me  
off list and I will tell you who not to use!

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